August 2020 marked Black Heart's 3rd birthday and for us (like so many other businesses) this year has proved to be a real 'chestnut mare' of a ride!  2020 will certainly be a year we will all remember!



As an online retail company we have been incredibly fortunate to be able to cope with the coronavirus and government lockdowns. Although it hasn't been straightforward, especially with regards to postal deliveries and shipments, we have benefitted from technology and working from home and are really proud of our team for making it all work.   


We had a number of shows planned for this year and were excited to be connecting with our customers again.  A downside of being an online businesses is that we don't always get the chance to speak to our customers face to face and see the products being worn!  The show cancellations have had a huge impact on many people, competitors and businesses and we are saddened to hear that already some shows in 2021 have already fallen by the way side.  Hopefully the rearranged Tokyo Olympics will provide some much needed sporting entertainment  in July 2021!




It has been a very difficult time for so many and our hearts go out to everyone who has been negatively impacted by the virus both physically and economically.  Equestrianism is notorious for being a financially and physically demanding sport/hobby even in a normal climate, often requiring many sacrifices.  However, many of us have been so very fortunate to find solace and comfort in our magnificent animals amongst the chaos which makes it so worthwhile.


From all of us at Black Heart we would like to say a huge thank you to all of our wonderful customers for your continued loyalty and for working with us in 2020 and we feel very lucky to have been able to continue trading, even though we have been out of stock of many products for months now!  


We would also like to thank the equestrian community for your support of our young brand - whether you have bought from us, liked a post on our social media or have simply followed our journey.


We are working on many exciting new products and adventures for our fourth year   and we can't wait to share it with you all!   


Happy New Year x   

2021 ..... here's hoping we don't have to lunge first before we get on 😂