"You know you are a horse girl when…"

We asked our followers to finish this sentence and the results certainly prompted some chuckles from us in the office; it's scary how much us horse girls share our common struggles! If you relate to one or more of the following points, it could be a sign that you too are indeed a horse girl...


1. "You’re in Tesco in your breeches, stripey socks and trainers" - @georgie.tucker23



2. "You come home after a nice long day at the stable and find hay in your bra" - @emmipalmen



3. "You’re in debt" - @lilybeatrice5



4. "You’re 5000kms away from home and still find horses plaiting bands in your pocket" - @letty.alice



5. "You know the pain of being whipped in the face with a tail" - @hireaprincessuk



6. "You use vet wrap on your own injuries" - @riding_ranga


7. "You can no longer smell the horses, it just smells like home" - @leah_equestrian



8. "You start clucking at people to walk faster in a crowd" - @alex.paige_



9. "You are waiting in a queue and the person behind steps back because of the horse smell" - @holly.barrett.dressage



10. "You have a collection of saddle pads instead of lipsticks" - @zofia.eq



11. "Your tack room is neater than your house" - @jess.james14



12. "You use duct tape to fix every problem" - @juleseventer


13. "Your boyfriend meets your horse and its worse than meeting your father" - @xx_kere_09_xx



14. "Your horse has a massage, the physio, dentist and vitamin supplements all booked in and is taken better care of than you - Black Heart Team



15. "When you shout out 'HORSE' at the top of your lungs when you spot one in a field" - Black Heart Team



16. "When you work harder at the weekend than you do in the week" - Black Heart Team



How many of these can you relate to? Can you think of any we missed? Let us know in the comments and be sure to share crediting @blackheartequestrian!