After a busy few years for Black Heart Equestrian, we're very excited to announce we are moving to larger premises!  



BHE is currently headquartered in an old cutlery works where the extra lightweight cutlery for Concorde was made, but we have totally outgrown both the warehousing and office space.  

So we're moving at the end of March and hopefully will be up and running in our new home by 1st April with minimum disruption to our customer service.

This is such a positive step up for the business which started out from our Founder Erin's  dorm room in 2017 during her first year at university.

We are so excited to have more office space, a bigger warehouse (more products!) and our own content creation studio.   With having more space and easier transport access, we've got some fun events planned this summer for customers and content creators.


In preparation for moving, we've been busy doing a full spring clean and are running a Warehouse Sale before we move to offer our valued customers some great deals on product samples, end of line stock and discontinued items.  More info here.


Make sure you follow our socials and sign up to our newsletter to find out all the details.